
Involving Teens: Special Populations

Page history last edited by bmoon@... 15 years, 4 months ago




Comments (3)

Megan Honig said

at 4:02 pm on Oct 2, 2009

More info on serving "new adults" who have aged out of teen services:

NYPL's collaboration with New Adults at the Grand Central Branch

YALSA's Serving New Adults Interest Group (description in middle of page)

Catherine LaStella said

at 11:06 pm on Oct 3, 2009

Here are some of the notes I took from this session (Part 1):

-The "tween" population was discussed: Longwood Library has many programs geared toward "tweens" (Twilight in a Tweenlight- program that focuses on the popularity and hype of the books, with crafts, without discussing the books since the kids may be too young for the content; Team up and Read- a scaled down version of Battle of the Books that capitalizes on the enthusiasm of the younger crowd with only one book instead of eight.)

-We discussed the differences between middle-school and high school students and how older teens sometimes don't come to teen programs because of the maturity difference. Middle Country Library had a interesting idea- they allow teens 14 and older to sign-up for adult programs if they choose. This helps the older teens whose interests may have evolved past teen programs.

-Sometimes younger siblings wish to come to teen programs. The idea was discussed about having special "teen/sibling" programs throughout the year to allow it, but not make it across the board for every program.

Catherine LaStella said

at 11:07 pm on Oct 3, 2009

Here are some of the notes I took from this session (Part 2):

-Some ideas were discussed about older teens who have graduated high school, but not moved away to college. The adult programs sometimes don't appeal to them, but they have aged out of the YA programming. (Sometimes they don't want to leave YA altogether, but other times they just stop coming to anything.) Someone brought up the point that she notices this age group utilizing the DVD section a lot, so maybe a Book/Film discussion program would work with them. In order to make it appeal to "new adults" and not teens, the movie choices might do well being Rated R, thereby excluding those younger than 17.

- Some discussion was devoted to special populations (such as those on the spectrum) whether they were tweens, teens, or 20-somethings. Many of us have pockets of our population that we wanted to offer programming for, but felt challenged since it would be too highly focused on just one group, thereby excluding others of that age group. Someone came up with the idea to have program sign-up open to anyone, but keep some slots aside for the intended audience. If your program would have spots for 20 people, have it open to 10 instead and keep 10 spots for the people who you wanted to target with the program.

- Another idea Megan had was to survey the 20-somethings in your area for the types of programs they would want- just the same way we do with traditional Teen Advisory groups. Many of us have pages who are in this age demographic- start with them and what they would want.

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