Name |
Library |
I would like to learn about... |
1 |
Samantha Alberts |
samantha@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Discover how Adult Services and YA can work together. |
2 |
Tracy Van Dyne |
tracyvandyne@gmail.com |
3 |
Lorraine Squires |
lorraine.squires@gmail.com |
Outreach using technology - the library 24/7, anywhere. |
4 |
Laurie Ridgway |
lridgway@myrml.org |
will come back to this |
5 |
Katherine Welch |
kwelch@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
6 |
Danielle Paisley |
dpaisley@pmlib.org |
Creating a Mission statement for YA departments, new ways to attract teens to the library |
7 |
Nanette Feder |
nanette@emmaclark.org |
Improving library teen website |
8 |
Bonnie Mazzaferro |
bmazzafe@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
New resources for collection development; |
9 |
Laura Panter |
lidancer12@yahoo.com |
Redesigning teen webpage, revamping old programs to attract new teens |
10 |
Mary K Chelton |
mchelton@optonline.net |
Update on collections, issues, examples Directions to Bay Shore Brightwaters Public LibraryDirections to Bay Shore Brightwaters Public LibraryLunch Suggestions for better teaching |
11 |
Tom Casper |
tcasper74@gmail.com |
12 |
Nola Thacker |
nthacker@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
13 |
Kristine Sabia |
kristine.sabia@gmail.com |
YA readers' advisory |
14 |
Linda Greenbaum |
lgreenbaum@nassaulibrary.org |
creating a mission statement for YA; being new to YA, to learn about the current
issues and trends of Long Island YA services.
15 |
Jan Miller |
janmill@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Improving website for teens, increasing community service opportunities for teens |
16 |
Deb Domingos |
ddomingo@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
website technology, electronic dowmloads, interesting program ideas |
17 |
Jamie Papandrea |
jamiepapandrea@gmail.com |
Programs and technology. Also would like to discover what other libraries are offering in terms of services to YA patrons. |
18 |
19 |
Lisa Goldstein |
l.goldstein@brooklynpubliclibrary.org |
20 |
Molly Phelan |
m.phelan@brooklynpubliclibrary.org |
21 |
22 |
Nicole Peters |
nicolepeters25@yahoo.com |
YA Programming/ YA reader's Advisory /technology ;) |
23 |
Sara Fade |
fadesara@mcpl.lib.ny.us |
using web 2.0 for YA outreach & marketing |
24 |
Lauren Bernat |
MCPL, The Knox School |
bernatlauren@gmail.com |
teen resources/information literacy, making the library attractive to teen/student users, resources for educators, programming trends |
25 |
Stacy Creel |
St. John's Univ. |
creels@stjohns.edu |
Open |
26 |
Sue Sloan |
suesloan@aol.com |
programming, outreach, marketing |
27 |
Deborah Hempe |
hempedeborah@mcpl.lib.ny.us |
updating/designing teen website, facilitating teen involment in teen website content and increased usage of teen website
28 |
Beth Sullivan |
basulliv@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
29 |
Jennifer Fowler |
jfowler@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
working with special needs teenagers |
30 |
Megan Karaptis |
karaptis@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
programming, marketing and promotion |
31 |
Margie Hartough |
mhartoug@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
marketing databases |
32 |
Andrea Graham |
andreag@sctylib.org |
How to visit schools and not sound lame,
incorporating all forms of media and information
into programs and resources.
33 |
Catherine LaStella |
Hauppauge |
clastell@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Um... everything?!!! School visit tricks, marketing ideas (programs, services and collections), ways to not lose the high school teens, ways to not lose the few high school teens we have once they graduate (programs for late teens and early 20's), blog content ideas to supplement what I do already... anything and everything else... oh this is going to be fun!!! |
34 |
Joanne Adam |
Hauppauge |
joadam@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Being more in touch with YA (I'm more used to children's) - outreach to the schools, data-base usage & promotion, cooperative programs with the schools, collection development, defining a specific YA area, ... just interested in hearing what other YA's are doing! Also - How do other YA departments function under the umbrella of the Children's Department? |
35 |
Michelle Vagner |
Northport |
michelle.vagner@gmail.com |
Programs, technology, outreach for teens and YA's, teen furniture (specifically computer furniture). |
36 |
Samantha Winter |
Port Jefferson |
swinter@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Attracting teens and keeping them, marketing, and designing programs for teens that seem to have everything. |
37 |
Kassia Worst |
kworst@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Making the teen portion of our website more appealing. Get more information about YA blogs. |
38 |
Jen Griffing |
South Huntington |
jrgriffi@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Using Facebook and our web site to market YA. How to create more Community Service Programs and keep them organized. How to have teens produce publications for the library (newsletter, creative writing) and get them into electronic form. |
39 |
Candace Reeder |
Northport-ENpt |
creeder@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
col dev and space issue in Teen Centers |
40 |
Sheila Doherty |
sdoherty801@gmail.com |
How to get more teens to the library & creating a webpage that teens will want, need, and enjoy viewing! |
41 |
Kerry Piraino |
kpiraino@gmail.com |
ya coll dev., reader's advisory, programming |
42 |
Christina Karaptis
CKaraptis@gmail.com |
How to create an inviting space for teens within the library -- Outreach |
43 |
Stefanie Gangone |
copg |
Sgangone@copiaguelibrary.org |
Outreach other than in the schools. readers advisory teen spaces. |
44 |
Joanne Albano |
Commack |
albano@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
programming, working with small teen spaces |
45 |
Martha Vlasits-Mikkleson |
mmikkleson@pmlib.org |
programming, esp. community service for teens |
46 |
Sue McManus |
smcmanu@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
How to develope relationships with schools, PFOs,PTAs, Mother's groups, Home schoolers |
47 |
Stella Spyropoulos |
stellaspyro@yahoo.com |
Outreaching to schools, getting teens and tweens more involved at the libraries and joining programs |
48 |
Linda Clark |
lclark@suffolk.lib.ny.us |
Collection development; Programming; Teen Advisory Boards; and the list seems endless... |
49 |
Renee McGrath |
50 |
Brian Cooper |
Harboorfields |
51 |
Andrea Pavlik |
Huntington |
andrea_pavlik@huntlib.org |
52 |
Marilyn Ames |
Quogue |
maraqnyc@aol.com |
How to attract teens to our library; how to market great programs. |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
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