Camp YA 2009

Camp YA brings together librarians interested in sharing with and learning from a vibrant community of their peers. This is a paticipatory user-generated "unconference" focusing on innovation,  library services to youth, and library technology.  Attendees are expected to share their work, skills, or knowledge as active participants.  Participants will determine the day's offerings.  This collaborative environment will present unique opportunites of learning, sharing, and relationship building.


To extend this template, you can either click within the table and use the "Row > Insert Row" command, or use "Table Properties" to expand the table as desired.


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBworks template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your workspace will be able to use your page template. 


Date Session Name Materials Assignment
3/10 Intro to PBworks, Part 1

Create your own PBworks.
3/17 Intro to PBworks, Part 2 Handout: "Sharing your Workspace" Share your workspace with your teammates.